Working on update v0.0.3

  • Sound Detection System: Zombies now have a hearing system that detects gunshots and footsteps. This system processes sounds and updates the zombies' point of interest based on the sound's location, making them more reactive to the player's actions.

  • Visual Detection Overhaul: I have overhauled the visual detection system, improving how zombies perceive targets. The new system uses raycasting to determine if a zombie can see a target, factoring in obstacles and the relative positions of targets, which makes visual detection more accurate and efficient.

  • Root Motion System: Introduced a root motion system that links zombie movement directly with their walking animations. This ensures that zombies move more naturally, with their physical movement matching the animation being played.

  • Animation System Enhancements: Expanded the zombie animation system to include context-dependent reactions, such as attacking when close to a target or adjusting movement animations based on proximity to the player. 

  • Pathfinding Improvements: The zombie pathfinding logic has been improved. I have addressed the issue where zombies would circle aimlessly if they couldn’t reach their destination. Now, they can better determine when to stop or find an alternative route, making their navigation more realistic.

  • Point of Interest System: The Point of Interest system now integrates both visual and auditory cues, allowing zombies to decide whether to follow a sound or chase after a seen target. 

  • Get Zombie Survival: Kill The Horde

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